Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Transmolecular Teleportation Terminal

Last Sunday, as I was sitting at the bar in Paris Blues in between sets, I was transported to a distant time and place.  The cause of my sudden deportation to another era was not The US Homeland Security office but the Jukebox. Glowing, shining and vibrating in the corner the Juke there is obviously a intergalactic teleportation device. My Hypothesis is that it was deliberately left by Sun Ra's Transmolecular Arkestra.

The Juke spins a web of recorded music that spans the decades, providing glimpses of worlds that now only exist in alternate universes. As I listened to its catalog of destinations an Elvis Presley number that I was previously unaware of came on. The title "Little Sister".

"That's it." I gasped. "That's the sound I need for "Tell Me What To Do". 
"Which one is that?" Was Zack, our newest band member's flat reply.At this point that is pretty much Zack's response to everything.

Later through emails and then in rehearsal we narrowed it down. 
"It's straight eight." was The Sublime Ms. Kosi's observation. I like the sound of that. Apparently before, I was swinging it.
"Ok, it's like a sixties thing." Jerome exclaimed as the clouds parted above his furrowed brow. We hit it again and Blakes eyes grew wide. He nodded to the beat in approval... and with the help of our ancestors the tune was reborn.

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